Spedizione gratuita a Barcellona

Spedizione gratuita in tutta la Spagna con un ordine superiore a 59 €

Acquista buoni regalo


REF 90160
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¡El producto que hizo famoso a OLAPLEX!

Nuestro éxito de ventas mundial es un tratamiento casero, no un acondicionador, que reduce la rotura y fortalece visiblemente el cabello, mejorando su apariencia y tacto. Restaurará la apariencia y textura saludables de su cabello reparando el daño y protegiendo la estructura del cabello.

Envio gratis a toda España con un pedido superior a 59 €

The product that made OLAPLEX famous!

Our global bestseller is an at-home treatment, not a conditioner, that reduces breakage and visibly strengthens hair, improving its look and feel. It will restore the healthy look and texture of your hair by repairing damage and protecting the hair structure.Envío gratis en Barcelona. Cleansing gel with exfoliating action. Thoroughly clean the epidermis and release the pores from the makeup.

Free shipping in Barcelona. Free shipping throughout Spain with an order over € 59

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Organic - Vegan - Sustainable

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